How A upart wig can save your edges and your life

For most savvy ladies who favor wigs, your wig is only as charming and socially presentable as it is akin to natural hair. Thankfully, inventors have worked their magic to bring us the Upart wig. As the name indicates, this type of wig has a u-shaped opening that lets you pull out a part of your natural hair and add it to the hair mix. Unlike the sew-in wigs like cornrows and braids, the U-part wig allows you to expose part of your scalp, disguise the seams of the wig, and give the wig a more natural, classy, and seamless look.
Provided the right amount of finesse, it will be no child’s play to tell apart the upart wig from the natural hair from your own scalp. You could use a microscope on some upart wigs and still won’t be able to tell whether they are growing from the scalp or not.
Along with other draws, upart wigs can go a long way in protecting your hairline and edges and make your hair longer, stronger and healthier.
Why Should You Wear Upart Wigs?
Unlike in times gone by, the upart wig has gotten real big recently. More people are working the upart wig into their hair arsenal for the following reasons.
- Natural finish
Most upart wigs are products of 100% natural human hair. Blending your virgin hair with the extensions gives the wig a more lifelike appearance and delivers a flawless finish hairstyle. Just be sure that the texture of the natural hair strands and the wig are alike. Furthermore, upart wigs are the perfect way to cover up your bad hair day and hide most imperfections with your real hair. Also, as with real hair, the wig hair is not chemically processed hence safe to sleep with.
- Hair Protection
A upart wig is a protective style that helps tuck away your precious natural strands and keep them away from daily stressors, giving it time to recuperate and promote better hair health. Those who have tightly coiled hair and want to transition from perm or extension to natural can also use upart wigs to give the hair a break from the strain of styling or traditional sew-in weaves.
There’s a twist!
As rewarding and handy as they are, sew-in wigs like cornrows and braids can be damaging to your hair and even exacerbate infections on your scalp! As the edge of the hairline rubs against the inside of the wig, the constant pulling may result in tension on the natural hair strands. If you have a weak hairline that cannot withstand, The stress can lead to hair loss and cause thinning of your hairline. Moreover, the pressure on hair follicles coupled with sweat from your scalp can aggravate issues like dandruff and, even worse, traction alopecia.
Traction Alopecia – refers to the loss of hair due to friction. Tight wigs and tight hairstyles usually cause it. (desire for tight hair is understandable since no one wants their loose hair falling in public) The hair loss is more common on the nape and front perimeter of the hairline, commonly referred to as edges, resulting in premature balding. The condition is more prone to female cancer warriors coping with hair loss due to chemo treatment and those with scalp infections that use wigs to feel a sense of normalcy and look their best. Ladies using full coverage wigs are more susceptible to traction alopecia. This condition does not mean you stop rocking your favorite wigs. Just try to loosen up and consider securing the wig with clips or combs.
Also, Upart wigs are less likely to cause thinning or breaking of the hairline since they are usually less tight. Even more, installing upart wigs does not demand any glue, bonding, or sew-ins that may harm your hair.
- Versatility
For the most part, wig-lovers swear by upart wigs because of the variety of hairstyles and colors they offer without needing to manipulate your natural hair. Instead, you can dye the wig into a blonde wig, shape it as you please, or customize the edges to your liking. So, ladies can effortlessly upgrade their hair and deliver good looks that match the occasion or preferred style.
Moreover, upart wigs come in multiple sizes, and others are readily adjustable using straps to suit different preferences and demands. The u-shaped hole can be in the middle, left, or right, depending on your preference. So it is upon you to choose the location where to pull the natural hair and how to style it. Additionally, you can add more hair strands to these semi-enclosed wigs.
- Ease of Maintenance
Wigs are also the go-to option if you need a break from the hassle of regularly styling your hair. In this age of tight schedules and tons of obligations, the working ladies can hardly keep up with their work, family, and personal life. To say nothing of the difficulty in finding time to sit in the salon for hours for the regular detangling, twisting, conditioning, and regular general upkeep that natural hair demands.
Good thing there aren't many particulars that go into the styling of upart hairpieces. These hairpieces are much easier and quicker to install and take off than their clip-in or lace-frontal counterparts. So, upart wigs provide quick-fix solutions to ladies who may not have time to be dutiful enough about their hair maintenance.
- Easy Access to Natural hair
With Upart wigs, you get full access to your natural hair since you can easily take it off after using it. So, you can regularly care for your hair by routinely washing and conditioning and promoting healthy hair growth. Also, the u-shape cut on this wig allows for a free flow of air and makes the wig less sweaty, more breathable, and comfortable. But, that's is not all. This partly open wig is easier to take off at the end of the day and a breeze to put on if need be.
Therefore, if you like to change your hairstyle from time to time, you will be delighted to note that u-part wigs allow for an instant and quick change.
- Durability
Upart wigs tend to be more long-lasting than their enclosed counterparts. Worry not about the wig shedding after a couple of wears. The strands are meticulously stitched on the wig and will seldom shed. The wig also maintains its original shape even after several washes and can stand up to all the rigor of heavy daily use for months upon months.
- Cost-effective
If money is hard to come by, and it is for most people, you may want to do away with the burdening cost of regularly maintaining your hair by using a hair wig whenever you want to put your best face on literally. And did we mention that upart wigs are cheaper than lace-front wigs?
Important to Note!
You need to take regular care of your wig by routinely carrying out the following:
- Comp the wig with a wide-tooth comb.
- Wash the wig with a regular or cleansing conditioner.
- Deep condition the wig to give it the much-needed moisture and protect it against moisture.
- Hang it and give the wig a few hours to dry.
Having a upart wig on does not mean being lax with the upkeep of your real hair. On the contrary, to prevent wear and tear, you need to regularly attend to the hair by cleaning, conditioning, and occasionally styling the hair.
Wrap Up!
If the world of wigs has called you to explore it, you can easily use u-part wigs as your vehicle on the journey. You have no reason not to own one; they are cheap and ideal for any style, head shape, or hair type. So, cast away any doubts you have, make your order today and join the happy, satisfied community of u-part wig users.