Experience the Difference with Intriguing Hair

Nikia takes that love and pours it into developing the best quality product. She understands that no matter how beautiful and vibrant the website and Instagram pictures (and they are), if one does not deliver a superior, quality product, (and she does), the pretty pics will not save you in a saturated market. She differentiates herself with fair, affordable prices, the best hair available, and elite customer service. Bishop truly believes in the golden rule of treating others how she wants to be treated.
Nikia also offered some very valuable tips in caring for your hair and the weave. First and most important: installation. As we stated earlier, she partners with superior salons in various major cities where she can vouch for the quality of their work in terms of a safe and lasting install. Also, remember to care for your hair and the added hair because it is real hair. Wash plus condition every one or two weeks (based on build-up level). If you are wearing your hair curly, or another natural texture, try using your favorite moisture-sealing oil (like castor or shea) in a tapered squeeze bottle; this will help you to make sure you can get to your actual hair underneath the install. If you wear your hair pressed or relaxed, Bishop suggests you use a heat protectant when styling as well as a lighter oil like Olive to seal moisture. The hair specialist also identifies the texture of the types of hair she offers on her site, intriguinghair.com, as well as customer care specialists who can help you select the best hair for your hair.
To see the beautiful hair available as well as find top stylists in your area, please visit the Intriguing Hair team on their site and @intriguinghair on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.