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Small Business Owners Shine in LISC's 4th Annual Pitch Contest

Small Business Owners Shine in LISC's 4th Annual Pitch Contest

We teamed up with The Black Economic Council of Massachusetts (BECMA) to host the 4th Annual Local Founder's Stage Pitch Contest during the Mass Black Expo on Saturday, November 2nd at the Boston Convention & Exhibit Center. Local Founders Stage was created in order to highlight the innovation that exists within communities of color and allow entrepreneurs the opportunity to showcase their business ideas, get feedback, and build relationships with judges and community stakeholders.

Thanks to the generous support of Citizens Bank, LISC was able to offer a total of $20,000 in prizes to pitch winners. LISC wants to thank all the participants and give a special congratulations to the 4 prize winners below:

Early Stage Competition

  • 1st Place, $3,000 - Love Joy by Dominique Aubrey
    Apparel made for curvy-shaped women
    Website | @wearlovejoy
  • 2nd Place, $2,000 - Hapi African Gourmet
    by Paulette Ngachoko
    Launched to expose the world to the delicacies of Africa, Hapi African Gourmet makes a delicious African style creamy peanut sauce.
    Website | @hapigourmet

Growth Stage Competition

  • 1st Place, $10,000 - Rhyme Antics
    by Chantel Calloway
    Rhyme Antics is a vocabulary game inspired by hip-hop for ages 12+. Rhyme Antics is unique and versatile as it functions as both a party game and a classroom game.
    Website | @rhymeantics
  • 2nd Place, $5,000 - Intriguing Hair
    Nikia Londy
    Intriguing Hair sells high-quality extensions, hairpieces, and wigs, and has certified hair extension specialists who can work with clients and color and install the pieces.
    Website | @IntriguingHair

The Annual Local Founders' Stage Pitch Contest is sponsored by:


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